Saturday, December 04, 2004

Wonderful Season: 2004

It has been a wonderful season of Christmas this year. We more than doubled what we were involved with last year. Slowly but surely the list of things that I said I would never do shortens and all but disappears. And I had fun doing them, much to my astonishment. It is a wish that every face observed in all its wonderment could be remembered, but they tend to run together until many families become just one--the family of mankind. Sometimes, since the season began, while traveling around, a face looks familiar and one wonders if it was part of the magic. Sometimes someone looks at us as if thinking the same thing. Both of us have had haircuts now. I got a perm. Mick dyed his hair light brown until things grow back naturally. We still get feedback and that is fun. People tell us often that we added to their Christmas Spirit. That is always well received--especially when it has a spiritual side to it. It is strange to drive down the road and not be on the lookout for those who have spotted Mr. and Mrs. Santa. There is a nautural reaction to be alert so as not to disappoint anyone. We are just regular people now and can go anywhere without much notice. It gives us time to reflect on the center of Christmas--the Savior--and not the myths and legends of the season, which are fun, but are not what Christmas is all about. So we think about Jesus and his mother and Joseph. We picture a stable, a star and shepherds and the wisemen. It is so sad to see the trend of leaving out this core part of Christmas. We made a point of saying "Merry Christmas" in our greetings instead of the "Happy Holiday" that was being pushed to leave Jesus out. "Merry Christmas to you all and Happy Birthday, Jesus."

Mrs. Claus signing out for another year

The Santa Gene Continued: 2004

Rob's letter:
"Merry Christmas!! Just a note to say thank you for making this Christmas one of the best.

Reading your emails has made me so proud to be one of Santa and Mrs. Claus' own children. I even had a nice thought while in Safeway's picking out a turkey with the family to do secret Santa. I thought, you know...I wonder if they realize I am the Claus' son. We just dropped off a game to several of the kids in the area. I can't help wondering if my desire and apptitude for making kids' games comes from the "Santa gene". If so I am proud to have it and pass it on.
You should have seen all the boys with their reindeer antlers, Santa caps and jingle bells. They can't get enough caroling. We've been to one house two times. I know some folks must think we are the freeky fanatics like those portrayed in the Mormon movies, but I don't really care anymore...

Look forward to talking to you some more.

Love, Rob"

The Santa Gene: 2004

From one of our son's employees:
"I just got this email. This is cute. So are you also going to be a Santa Claus later in life?" Our son's reply: "My little brother and I have both debated about continuing this tradition that is so dear to my dad's heart. My brother has more of the body of Santa and I hope mine never gets that way. So he will do it if he stays the weight he is, or, if he still does not want to, then I will consider it, but use a pillow or something HOPEFULLY, rather than the real belly deal. It is fun and even with me being biased, I have never seen a more animated, spirited, joyful Santa as my old pop!

Thanks, Rex."

Hitting The Bottle Again: 2004

"This is Santa's younger brother," the Bishop announced to the Sunday School class. Mick had already received many double take glances since he entered the church building this morning.

"He just can't keep from hitting that bottle (meaning the Clairol brand)," said the teacher.

It's all in good fun; the work is done and taking one of the thoughts from the ward Christmas play, "Elvis has left the building. Thank you. Thank you, very much!"

Mrs. Claus

You Be The Best Mrs. C.: 2004

Jo Ann
Time has taught me that, no matter what, we will always be together. We've been through so much and know each other so well. There's a special bond between us that I don't think most people are lucky enough to find. We laugh together, talk to each other, really listen to what is said. And even when we disagree, I know everything will be OK, because we care so deeply about each other.

It's true that you and I have weathered some storms, and life being what it is, we'll probably face some more. But when they're all over, I know deep down our committment to one another will still be there...that the love we have in our hearts will last forever. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for adding to our holiday memories. You BE the Best Mrs. "C".

I love you, Mick

Over The River And Through The Woods: 2004

Well, not exactly. Over the Bypass and through Union Gap is more like it, but the end results are the same--a day with family members. We arrived at the home of Len and Amy, who provided a wonderful meal and great visiting.
On the way to our daughter's Mick told me how he had gotten my Christmas present.

He went into Halmark as Santa.

They wanted to know where Mrs. C. was?

He told them, "I have to buy a present for my lady."

He bought me a tree ornament and a card that said all that he feels.

After a lovely day with family, we arrived home tired, but happy. How great it was to be with our daughter's family. Not really a fan of ham, Amy responded to the suggestion that the left over ham could be frozen with, "Till next year?" Oh, Amy, you are so funny!

Mrs. Claus

God's Creatures, Great and Small: 2004

The morning's early light found us deep in thought about this last month. What a wondeful Christmas season it has been--so rich in love and sharing and new friends. We have been so blessed.

We arose to open our presents in the front room in full view of our patio sliding door.

There to greet us, as on every morning, were our friends--the squirrels and a few birds.

We put out some trail mix for them, but they have become quite spoiled by the pumpkin seeds and would not take any of the trail mix.

So we relented and put some seeds out. They had a great feast while we opened our presents. What a wonderful world it is--full of God's creatures, great and small.

Mrs. Claus

You Remembered Us: 2004

The message on the phone said, "We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We love you! love you! love you!" "You remembered us," said Santa. "It's what it's all about. It will forever be my favorite Christmas song thanks to the 'children' and our children. Merry Christmas."

Mrs. Claus

I Have A Tip For You Santa: 2004

The last two parties of the season.

It was bittersweet seeing families together,

hearing their merriment,

being part of their traditions,

seeing an old ex-cop playing Rudolph.

"This goes no further than here," he teased.

We have been paid in many ways--even given a tip here and there. The greatest tip we got was not money. It was to always believe. Long ago a man lived, who gave to others. He was made a Saint. Now he helps us celebrate the birth of the man who was the real Saint. One man lived the teachings of the other. And we can do the same. Happy Birthday, Jesus. This day is for you.

Mrs. Claus

The Christmas Card to Hundreds: 2004

After a rest at home we decided to go send a Christmas card to hundreds. In our town there is an elderly man--nearly 80--who remains very active. He helps bag groceries at the Safeway's and he is a crossing guard for the elementary school. The community has but a bench on his corner with his name on it--"Lelon."
We went to his corner and for the next hour and a half waved to cars that went by. Cars honked in response and people waved. Cars circled back and came with cameras and people for pictures. One was going to send the picture to a relative in the Ukraine. There is quite a Russian community here. When we got tired we sat for a spell on Lelon's bench.
Santa helped people cross at the intersection. He used his staff as a crossing bar. A boy on a bike let Santa borrow it to ride up and down the sidewalk. He let me wear one of his Santa coats because it was colder than usual. But our hearts were warm as we said Merry Christmas to everyone who passed us--hundreds. Merry Christmas!

Mrs. Claus

One More For My Baby; One More For The Road: 2004

We went to Toys R Us and said "Hi" to people there.

When we got home there was a gift from a woman I worked with when I volunteered at the public library. It was candy and a snowman ornament. We ate the candy.

Oh dear. We are going to lose our youthful figures. Oh well, make it one for my baby; and one more for the road.

Mrs. Claus

Do You Believe in Jesus?: 2004

We parked far away from the Old Country Buffet. We made our way, greeting people along the way. The staff was happy to see us again and some remembered the big event with the handicapped children. There were not as many there today but we made the rounds, always trying to honor the wishes of those who did not want our attention. There were many who did want it.

As we were leaving, after eating a good meal,

a family gave us a pamphlet and asked us if we believed in Jesus?

Santa said, "Yes, that is why I wear my CTR ring."

When we got home we read the gift.

I talked with Santa about their thinking that he might be replacing Jesus. I guess you could say that they don't know this Santa.

"Father, forgive them; they know not what they do." All they would need to do is follow him to see how he does all he can to spread the good news of our beloved Savior.

Mrs. Claus

But They Made Them With Nuts: 2004

The last week before Christmas was very hard for Santa. Temptations were everywhere. He was trying to explain to me why he had eaten what he had.

"But they made them with nuts,"

he said with a puppy dog look on his face.

"If they didn't use nuts I would be OK.

It's their fault because they used nuts."

Well that is Santa logic.

I knew we both had eaten more then we should have and I was trying hard to keep Santa away from the cookies till Christmas Eve. Well, it is Christmas Eve.

Mrs. Claus

I Set My Alarm For 7: 2004

"Santa, I set my alarm for 7, so I will get up on time for Christmas."

Santa's face was aghast. "No, it cannot be, young man. That will not do! You have to set it for at least 5. Why is 7 early for you, anyway?!"

Puzzled, he looked at Mrs. C. "7?" he asked. "7? You have to wake your parents up after they have gotten only one hour of sleep. That is the way it goes."

Mrs. Claus

A Bit of Applause for Mrs. Claus: 2004

One of the themes of the evening seemed to be how Mrs. Claus helps Mr. Claus. She helps him put on his coat and bells. Makes sure his necktie is on with the bow going straight. Makes sure he has Rudolph props and his magic trick. Gets his staff. Makes sure she has the key in her bag to unlock the car door. Helps him put the gifts into his bag. Lets him go first, because he is the jolly old elf. Holds things for him.
She is the straight man to his jokes. She is getting quite good at it. She reminds him that cookies are off limits until Christmas Eve. She responds to the little children who are thrilled to meet her with hugs and sometimes a kiss on the forehead. She keeps track of the wallet and the keys when they go in a restaurant. She quizes Santa on the children's names and facts, and she tries to help with the maps, though she isn't very good at that.

Tonight, the houses we went to seemed to recognize her worth to Mr. Claus and gave her gifts. The first home gave her a decorated Santa cookie for herself and one for Mr. Claus. The second house presented her with a book called A Bit of Applause for Mrs. Claus. by Jeannie Schick-Jacobowitz and Susie Scchiek-Pierce Muffin Drake. Illustrated by Wendy Wallin Malinow. What sweet gifts! It made me glad I let Mr. Claus take me right out of that kitchen to see the special famlies that he wanted me to visit with him. Merry Christmas to all. Thanks for the gifts.

Mrs. Claus

Is There room to Come In?: 2004

Mr. and Mrs. Santa decided to get a bite to eat at the Red Robin.

As they entered, they saw that it was very crowded.

A man saw them coming and came to open the door for them.

"Will I be on your nice list, now, Santa?" He asked.

Then there was a wait for a table so Santa asked if they could mingle.

They could.

There were so many in the place that they only got a little ways before their table was ready. They enjoyed a nice meal and on the way out many children came to them, so they never got to the other side of the room. They were causing a botttleneck, so they had to work their way outside. They ran into the Red Robin outside and had a group hug. They had been hoping to use the bathroom before they left but that was impossible. They found a McDonald's and accomplished that goal. Wow, did you see all those children?

Mrs. Claus

A Date With Miss Clairol: 2004

Now picture this!

Santa has come home from a hard day's work at his day job. He looks like the jolly old elf that he is, dressed from the wreath on his snow white hair to the fur covered boots. He takes off his coat and sits down on the couch with a box and a magnifying glass. I look over from my spot at the computer and see him intently studying the instructions on the back side of a Clairol box. Santa knows the end is coming and it is not good for him to be seen by little children after Christmas. He must prepare; change that hair. But never fear; be of good cheer. Two more nights of Santa's magic, then he will rest for awhile. It is Santa's style. Eleven months will come and go and before you know it you will hear once more. "Ho, Ho Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho."

Mrs. Claus

Hang Five!: 2004

Santa was on his way home from his day job, on his motorcycle. He was in full gear except he traded his hat for a helmet. Santa always wears a helmet! He noticed that a car seemed to be following to the side of him. He looked over. An arm was hanging outside of the car window, holding a cell phone, taking his picture. Ride on, dude! Hang five!

Mrs. Claus

Dear Rob: 2004

Dear Rob,
Thank you for the kind words. It takes me back. The reason I say that is because of how I struggle to do some of these things--like the Mrs. Santa thing. Then when I get such compliments to us from you children and from others, I think of that struggle and wonder how good I am really doing.

It doesn't feel easy, but I enjoy it so much when I get going. I get so caught up in the magic that I see in people's faces and I feel like the recipient--not the giver. So, it surprises me to think that I might be giving. Does that make sense?

I am totally amazed this year. I feel like I am in the middle of a merry-go-round of miracles. I've seen so many things and felt so many feelings, and things have happened to make us feel there is a plan other than ours. You couldn't plan for such things to happen on their own.

It makes me feel like Mick is right--part of why we were born is to do this. It is a right thing to do. And when I see him tie so much to the birth of the Savior I can't help but think he is right. You know, I was sitting on the bed yesterday, thinking of this month and how it wouldn't have even come into my life if it hadn't been for your father.
Then I thought back on our life and of the times all along that he has encouraged me (never forced) to step out of myself and play and feel and enjoy what life has to offer. If I had married a safety, careful, very organized person like myself I would not know what it is like to be spontaneous.

I just felt so thankful for your father in that moment. I feel that way in almost every moment, but I felt it so strongly in that moment and I just wept tears of thanksgiving that I met and married him.

He has colored my life with beautiful hues and I have so many wonderful memories because of him. It gave me courage to trust him more and try out some more adventures.

I keep thinking we are getting older and should be slowing down. And we are. But I have a feeling that there is still more ahead of us and I'm glad for that.

Thanks again, Rob--and Lorie and Myndi and Jaime and others who have expressed gratitude to us for what we are doing this season. It is such an unexpected, but welcome bonus. YOU have made our season. We love you so much. Have a Very Merry Christmas.

Love, Mom and Dad (Mrs. and Mr. Claus)

I Trust You Are...: 2004

I trust you are keeping all of these in print as well as on disc. Mom, your gift for writing and insight blows me away. Thank God for a mother like you! I'm so proud of you and Dad, that I can't stop talking to everyone about you and the spectacular things you are doing. I haven't felt the Spirit of Christmas this overwhelmingly strong, ever. I think You should know how it is spilling over into all our lives. We have been sharing with each other at home, buying stuff for secret Santa, taking things to people, singing carols, and just living in the true spirit of Christmas. I LOVE you. You made our world, for better or worse, and I'm realizing more than ever it has been much more for the better.


It's About Time, Santa: 2004

Last night we took a night off to go to our church Christmas party. We enjoyed being with our church family so much last year that we wanted to celebrate Christmas with them again this year. I had to really talk Mick into "dressing down" to go. He finally settled on regular Sunday pants, a white shirt over a red shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and a bright Christmas Tie. I guess when the virus has you it has you good. As we visited with our dear friends, one little four-year- old girl finally got her wish to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wanted for Christmas. Even though he was not officially there as Santa, she was just one of several who came up to him during the evening. This whole last month she has tried so hard every Sunday to tell him what she wanted, but he always told her, "not at church." She was really tickled to finally be able to do it. It's about time, Santa.

Mrs. Claus

Santa Grandpa: 2004

Last night we traveled to do a party for our daughter's boss. Our daughter called us a few times as we were on the way. She was so excited. She met us at another friend's house. This friend was excited to see us also and we spent some time in her house that was decorated so festively that it could have been Mr. and Mrs. Santa's cottage for sure.
Our daugther led us over to her boss's house and then waitied outside in her car while we were in with the family. The four children got a kick out of their mother, as she got to be Rudolph for the song. She was a good sport. She and her husband sat on Santa's knee, as well as the children. After a very fun time we left Our daughter led us back to their new place and went inside. We waited for a short time and then knocked on the door. Our grandchildren answered the door. They seemed to have no problem with us being Grandpa and Grandma too.
One of the highlights of the trip was when a family friend who was about twelve sat on Santa's lap. When asked what he wanted he couldn't think of anything. Finally, he told Santa that he didn't want anything for himself. He just wanted everyone to be happy and to have a Merry Christmas. Every once in awhile you find someone who is really unselfish like that.

We said our good-byes and went to Miner's to eat a hamburger. Their large staff gathered around us. At first there weren't many customers, but a basketball game got out at the high school and there were many who came for a hamburger. At one point, Santa was in the bathroom longer than I was and I was feeling awkward. Remember I am not the extrovert in this family. It is one thing doing this with him around and quite another doing it on my own. I was glad when he returned with all of his magic. It was a fun evening.

Mrs. Claus

You Wascally Wabbit, You: 2004

A very generous couple paid us to go to four families, one of which was their grandchildren's home. The couple was there for that sitting, but had to just wonder about how the rest of the four visits went. We did give them feedback, of course.
They wanted to remain anonymous.

It was quite an evening, full of different responses. The first house received us well.

The grandfather was so into acting the part of Rudolph when the family sang the song. Santa had him wearing the red nose and antlers, of course, much to the delight of his grandchildren.
The next house had a completely different occurance. The sweet little four-year-old hid the moment she heard the bells and would not calm down, or come out even when her daddy tried to comfort her. She didn't calm down until we left.
We left the presents and wished her apologetic father a Merry Christmas.
Later, we told the couple who had arranged for us to visit these families about the experience and we said we would not charge for that home. But they would not hear of it. They were so delighted with what we had done that they told us to keep the money to keep the Myth of Santa alive. Myth? What Myth? Santa is alive and well. I believe; don't you? These four homes were spread out in the city and in between we needed to take the annoying potty break. We went to McDonalds, and were waiting for a good time to go into the bathroom when another Santa mosied on over in the same direction. We quickly shut our car door, so as not to confuse any children. Well, guess we had to look in another direction for a bathroom. The next home had two boys. One was at work. We were going to try to catch him at work the next week. We left his gift. The other boy, an eight-year-old was so thrilled to see us. We had a good visit. We found out he liked to draw on the computer. He showed us how. He printed off two of his pictures of Santa that he had drawn earlier. I thanked him and told him I would put them in a book and save them forever. I keep a scrapbook of our adventures. He smiled and looked so pleased.

The last home was really hard to find, but we finally did. There were three pleasant children. Whenever another detail about them was revealed by Santa, they exclaimed, "He is the real Santa!" Santa was telling them about his staff and had gotten through what "J" meant--Jesus, and what the "O" meant--Others, and was asking what the "Y" meant?

Rylie was deep in thought. "Wylie" he said.

Santa picked up on that Elmer Fudd twist and answered, "You're cwacty wright, you wascally wabbit, you." Santa is big on cartoon characters. Whenever someone mentions Mickey Mouse, he talks like him. If you thought finding the house was tough, you should have seen us trying to find our way home. We ended up way out in the boonies, hoping that we wouldn't run out of gas. At least we had the cell phone--just in case. We were glad to finally see the freeway again and know that another night had gone well--well with only one mishap. Somewhere along the way we had lost the reindeer nose and antlers.

Oh well. That's the way the snowflake melts.

Mrs. Claus

The Two Dollar Bill: 2004

Jaime, last year when I sent the two dollar bills to the grandchildren I told them the story about how Mick asked me out on our first date. He wrote me a note on a two dollar bill and slipped it to me in class in school. We went out and it was the beginning of our wonderful life together. So, to us, the two dollar bills have always had magic in them.

Love, Mom Jo Ann

About "Betty Will Be Your Guide": 2004

I have to say this one is my most favorite. I am reading all of your adventures and the first thought was this is like a storybook. "The True Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Claus." I love listening to all your adventures but this specific one just touches me. I thought of all those kids and adults you touched by making a special trip just to say "hi" to them. I can picture all of it. The looks on the faces, the boyish glow from Santa's face, the proudness written all over Mrs. Santa's face--proud of herself for stepping out and getting into character and mingling with everyone and also proud of Santa because he is doing what he loves to do. I think it is so fitting for both of you. For me to sit here and think about Santa and Mrs. Claus; they are both you. Your personalities and hearts of gold. You do a wonderful job. I only wish I could see it first hand. Thank you for sharing.

Also Aubrey got her letter from Santa. Thank you for sending a letter to Aubrey and treating her as one of your grandkids. I have to ask a silly question; please bare with me, while I do. In your letter you said for the children not to forget about the story, or meaning of the two dollar bill. What is that? I want to make sure I can share it with Aubrey and make sure she appreciates it and holds onto the meaning. Love you both very much,


Watch Out For That Tree: 2004

One night we stopped by Chuckee Cheese to see what was going on. After greeting the children we watched one youngster playing a racing game on a screen. Santa thought he might like to try that. He put in a token. The sign said, "pick your car." He had to ask a boy how to do that. Then, whoa! Things got crazy. Stay on the road, Santa. "Watch out, Santa! Santa! Look out for that tree!" Game over. Santa sheepishly explained to the onlooking children that he had just gotten his driver's license for their town. He had to leave the reindeer up north to finish getting ready for the big day.

He said, "They put O O O O O O on my driver's license."
"Ah, Santa," I said. "Wouldn't that be more like Uh O Uh O Uh O?"

Mrs. Claus