The Christmas Card to Hundreds: 2004
After a rest at home we decided to go send a Christmas card to hundreds. In our town there is an elderly man--nearly 80--who remains very active. He helps bag groceries at the Safeway's and he is a crossing guard for the elementary school. The community has but a bench on his corner with his name on it--"Lelon."
We went to his corner and for the next hour and a half waved to cars that went by. Cars honked in response and people waved. Cars circled back and came with cameras and people for pictures. One was going to send the picture to a relative in the Ukraine. There is quite a Russian community here. When we got tired we sat for a spell on Lelon's bench.
Santa helped people cross at the intersection. He used his staff as a crossing bar. A boy on a bike let Santa borrow it to ride up and down the sidewalk. He let me wear one of his Santa coats because it was colder than usual. But our hearts were warm as we said Merry Christmas to everyone who passed us--hundreds. Merry Christmas!
Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Claus
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