God's Creatures, Great and Small: 2004
The morning's early light found us deep in thought about this last month. What a wondeful Christmas season it has been--so rich in love and sharing and new friends. We have been so blessed.

We arose to open our presents in the front room in full view of our patio sliding door.
There to greet us, as on every morning, were our friends--the squirrels and a few birds.
We put out some trail mix for them, but they have become quite spoiled by the pumpkin seeds and would not take any of the trail mix.
So we relented and put some seeds out. They had a great feast while we opened our presents. What a wonderful world it is--full of God's creatures, great and small.
Mrs. Claus

We arose to open our presents in the front room in full view of our patio sliding door.
There to greet us, as on every morning, were our friends--the squirrels and a few birds.
We put out some trail mix for them, but they have become quite spoiled by the pumpkin seeds and would not take any of the trail mix.
So we relented and put some seeds out. They had a great feast while we opened our presents. What a wonderful world it is--full of God's creatures, great and small.
Mrs. Claus
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