Rob's letter:
"Merry Christmas!! Just a note to say thank you for making this Christmas one of the best.
Reading your emails has made me so proud to be one of Santa and Mrs. Claus' own children. I even had a nice thought while in Safeway's picking out a turkey with the family to do secret Santa. I thought, you know...I wonder if they realize I am the Claus' son.

We just dropped off a game to several of the kids in the area. I can't help wondering if my desire and apptitude for making kids' games comes from the "Santa gene". If so I am proud to have it and pass it on.

You should have seen all the boys with their reindeer antlers, Santa caps and jingle bells. They can't get enough caroling. We've been to one house two times. I know some folks must think we are the freeky fanatics like those portrayed in the Mormon movies, but I don't really care anymore...
Look forward to talking to you some more.
Love, Rob"
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