Save Me!: 2005
She was nervous from the moment we entered the room. She was two-years-old and comfortable with everyone except for Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. Different efforts to encourage her failed. She kept her distance as Santa called out the names for presents to be delivered. 
I don't know if she sensed that soon it would be her turn, but she gravitated towards a certain favorite uncle and stayed close. Finally it was her turn and her name was called. She straightened up with a start, made a quick turn towards her uncle, tried to burrow her way under his arm, and exclaimed? "Save me!"
Oh dear. Santa's countenance fell a hoof's size down. He doesn't like it when little children are afraid of him. He couldn't talk her out of it. So he left her present with her family. Now, now,'s going to be O.K.
Mrs. Claus

I don't know if she sensed that soon it would be her turn, but she gravitated towards a certain favorite uncle and stayed close. Finally it was her turn and her name was called. She straightened up with a start, made a quick turn towards her uncle, tried to burrow her way under his arm, and exclaimed? "Save me!"
Oh dear. Santa's countenance fell a hoof's size down. He doesn't like it when little children are afraid of him. He couldn't talk her out of it. So he left her present with her family. Now, now,'s going to be O.K.
Mrs. Claus
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