Programs. Don't you love em! They're everywhere: great concert halls, tabernacles and cathedrals, smaller churches, school, malls and in the sanctity of our own homes. People sharing their talents--wonderful gifts for our Lord. We were invited to Willow Spring Ward to share in their celebration. They had us hide in a darkened room next to the stage so we could hear the program.

That would have been O.K. except Santa stepped on the bag of candy canes in the dark. Oh no...what will we do! As it turned out we had barely enough unbroken ones. Whew! Little children would occasionally go past our opened door and not see us because we were in the dark. We had opened it so we could hear the program. We were "shut-ins" before we opened the door. Soon it was our turn to enter the hall to greet the children to "Here Comes Santa Claus". We had enjoyed the inspiring program, which brought tears of joy to our eyes. We thought it couldn't get any better, but the families were delightful and it was wonderful to see people we knew well.
Thank you, Willow Spring for the wonderful, warm welcome.
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