My Mittens Are Stuck!" 2005
Subway's was a warm island of good smells. We had spent quite some time on the street corner, waving as cars passed in the light snowfall, and wishing Merry Christmas to all who honked their horns at us. We were praying that we wouldn't cause any accidents.
It was a delight to see the expressions on the faces of children as they peered out their windows. Some rolled the windows down and shouted greetings. The day was winding down and our stomachs were hungry and our toes were getting cold. So we had made our way to Subway's.
We have been going to a different eating establishment's drive thrus during the week. This time we went in. As was usually the custom, I was carrying Santa's wallet. It was less complicated for me. But today I had red mittens on to keep my hands warm and when I opened the wallet they kept getting stuck to the velcro. It was frustrating!
The season is winding down--always a bittersweet time. This one week left and it will be over. It is a time to reflect on the spirit that is upon us at Christmas. Wouldn't it be nice if we could continue with it throughout the year. If we would find just one way to serve someone each day this world would be such a better place. The power of one is an awesome thing. Each of us can make a difference. I'm going to make it a goal--won't you?
Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Claus
Thanks. We have so much fun doing it. Mrs. Claus
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