Saturday, November 30, 1996

Kneeling Santa: 1996

This year we wanted to give gifts to our children that needed to be experienced, to be complete. Our oldest daughter wanted a kneeling Santa picture. We found a 100-year-old barn to be the backdrop. The family gathered one night to witness the taking of this picture. We all shone our car lights on the scene.
Our other daughter's baby was the baby Jesus. We took the picture of Santa kneeling by the baby Jesus in the old barn. Santa was very tender with the "baby Jesus", as he has a great love and respect for Him. Christmas is wonderful for many reasons, but the greatest is because it celebrates the birth of our Savior.
The next day we went to the barn in the daylight and took a series of pictures with a doll that we got at Deseret Industries. We presented the picture, the series of pictures, and the doll to our eldest daughter for Christmas. It has been a reminder every year of Santa's humility in light of our Savior's greatness. Herein lies the real meaning of Christmas.

Mrs. Claus

Trolley Square and the Mall: 1996

During the long hours Mick was Father Christmas at Trolley Square, I was given a room where I could work on my beloved scrapbooks.

I had not yet caught the "Mrs. Santa" virus but I went with Santa. I often went out to watch him work his magic.

He had a wonderful cane and robe for when he did Father Christmas.

When Santa worked the mall, he rode in on his recumbent bicycle. He had fixed antlers out of tinker toys and put a red nose on the bike. He was quite a site.

I couldn't get used to waking up at night, looking over and seeing Santa sleeping in my bed. Where was my husband? I really had mixed feelings about this whole matter.

Mrs. Claus

It's a Matter of Prayer: 1996

Sometimes Santa was moved to tears:
At the Homeless Shelter a boy said he didn't want anything for himself. He only asked that his mother might receive a coat.

At the Homeless Shelter a child in a family asked for a home. They had none. Sometimes, in more abundant places things such as this were wished for, but it was done flippantly. Santa knew this family really needed a home.

A man we met was on the waiting list for a heart transplant. He asked Santa for a heart. In moments like this all that could be done was, as nightly prayers were said, we called upon the Lord, on behalf of these people.

Mrs. Claus

Do You Hear Something Ringing?: 1996

Santa did not wait for children to come to him. He got out of his chair, and greeted them. When they told him what they wanted, he often acted it out with them. A small girl wanted dancing shoes. He quickly became a ballerina with her. A boy wanted Karate lessons. He took on that stance. On a few evenings Santa and I strolled the streets, with Santa ringing the bells. If people came out, he wished them Merry Christmas. If they invited us in, I took a picture of them with him and made sure they got that picture later-free of charge.

Mrs. Claus

It's All Relative: 1996

Santa didn't do many private parties but he showed up for family. Santa loved to visit his mother-in-law, who had just lost her husband this year. He also loved visiting his wife's aunts.

Mrs. Claus

Santa Virus: 1996

The way my husband tells it, he met a Santa and the "Santa virus" was passed to him. The Santa virus can be seen in many levels of development, as you look around at Christmas time. Every Santa is a "real Santa". They just are not all completely developed. Some aren't portly enough yet. Some haven't gotten their real beards. But they are all Santas.
He began working for a "Santa". He got a suit, learned how to make his hair and beard whiter, and added to that his magical powers of making Santa come to life. He worked at Valley Fair Mall, Wheeler's Farm, Boys' and Girl's Club, Homeless Shelter, Festival of Trees, and he was Father Christmas at Trolley Square. Many of his own children and grandchildren followed him around, enjoying watching him.

Mrs. Claus